Creative Futures Talk:  The Comeback Kids
July 5, 2024

Creative Futures Talk: The Comeback Kids

Recorded April 2021 @  Geekdom

The Creative Futures series takes a look into how the future of tech, business, and creativity is being built by a new wave of entrepreneurs, right here in San Antonio.Episode 1: The Comeback Kids

A fireside chat on entrepreneurship, business development, and retaining talent in San Antonio, TX. Comeback Kids aka "Boomerang Entrepreneurs" are not just any entrepreneurs. A decade in Silicon Valley or on Wallstreet is better than a master’s degree in innovation. So, when these people move home, they bring this high-growth, successful mindset. They might come back for family support or the better cost of living, but they also have in tow the know-how and will to supercharge a local economy.

Comeback Kids can have that multiplier effect, building companies, creating thousands of jobs, and contributing to the economy in ways that aren’t possible with big, established corporations.


David Robinson Jr. // Director of Placemaking at Weston Urban

Ashley Bird // Educational Creative + Founder at Blooming with Birdie

Steven Darby // Co-Founder + Creative Director at Heavy Heavy

Hosted by Cindy R Vela // Owner of Uproot Advisory



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